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Some common issues that our users commonly experience

Gabriel Garza avatar
Written by Gabriel Garza
Updated over a week ago

Troubleshooting: Project Hurdles? We've Got You Covered

Even in the world of collaborative creativity, challenges may arise. Here's how to troubleshoot common issues:

Issue 1: Wrong File Format

Solution: Try to check the file format on the file details in My Documents or Finder. Currently, we only accept .mp3 and .wav files for stems, .als, .fls, and .ptx files for session files, and .mp4, .mov, .jpg, .png, and .pdf for posts.

Issue 2: Poorly rendering interfaces Solution: Ensure you're using a modern device. We try to support all common mobile devices from 2017 onward.


MetaJamz is a hub of musical collaboration, where each contribution enriches the collective creative tapestry. Whether you're discovering projects or adding your musical brushstrokes, the journey is an exhilarating one. Join projects, create connections, and harmonize with fellow musicians to make music that reverberates across the globe.

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