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MetaJamz Community Guidelines
MetaJamz Community Guidelines

Fostering a positive community

Gabriel Garza avatar
Written by Gabriel Garza
Updated over a week ago

Community Guidelines for Positive Engagement

At MetaJamz, our community thrives on collaboration and respect. To ensure a supportive and inspiring environment for all users, we've established these community guidelines:

1. Respectful Engagement: Interact with others courteously. Avoid offensive language, hate speech, and personal attacks. Disagreements can be healthy, but maintain a respectful tone.

2. No Harassment: Harassing, threatening, or bullying comments will not be tolerated. Our community is a safe space where all users should feel comfortable to express themselves.

3. No Hate Speech: Hate speech has no place here. Discriminatory or derogatory comments based on race, gender, religion, or any other characteristic are strictly prohibited.

4. Constructive Criticism: Constructive feedback is encouraged, but maintain a positive and constructive tone. Let's help each other grow as musicians and collaborators.

5. Stay Relevant: Keep comments relevant to the discussion. Avoid spam, self-promotion, or unrelated content.

6. Report Inappropriate Content: If you come across content that violates these guidelines, report it to our moderators for review.

7. No Anonymity for Harm: Anonymity can protect users, but it should not be used to spread harmful or inappropriate content. Maintain a responsible and respectful presence.

8. Swift Action: Our moderators are committed to daily monitoring to ensure timely removal of inappropriate content.

9. Protecting Privacy: Respect the privacy of fellow users. Avoid sharing personal information without consent.

10. Embrace Diversity: We celebrate diversity and welcome musicians from all backgrounds. Engage with empathy and understanding.

11. Be Patient and Prompt: Respond to inquiries and comments promptly. Timely engagement contributes to a positive user experience.

12. Uphold Brand Values: Your comments should reflect the positive and inclusive spirit of MetaJamz. Uphold our values of collaboration and creativity.

13. Encourage Others: Lift each other up. Encourage fellow musicians and celebrate their successes.

14. Consequences for Violations: Violations of these guidelines may result in comment removal or suspension of account access.

We value every member of our community and encourage you to contribute positively. Let's collaborate, inspire, and make music together on MetaJamz!

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